How A Life Enrichment Coach Can Tune One Up

By Beryl Dalton

It is a simple matter to discern whether one has one, big problem in the center of life, dragging down every area of life. Those who habitually wake up hung over and in strange places generally do know that their core issue is a drinking problem. If they don't, there's usually someone around only too happy to enlighten them. For all those whose problems can't be so immediately determined, a life enrichment coach is often the way to go.

A person who does this for a living might have a specialty, but should have a good sense of the holistic. Without being a licensed dietitian, there should be an awareness of how diet affects health and mood. Sometimes it will be necessary to shake things up, taking on or even abandoning vegetarianism for instance.

Fitness dovetails with diet, but it can mean different things for different people. Many people looking for a life tune up start with dropping twenty or thirty pounds simply as an exercise in attainable goal setting. Others need to stretch a stiffened body, or just to get some more sunlight during the winter.

It can be difficult to be happy when nothing is right with one's family, and there are millions so marinated in patterns that go back five or more generations that a fresh perspective might be needed just to help them recognize it. Many could use a bit of work relating to those closest, the wife or husband, or the children. Then there can be trouble relating to aging parents, especially after retirement.

Dating success just might be the number one area for seeking help. Dating and single life is so often an area of acute pain, so much so that the rest of our lives can seem flat if there is a lack of success here. Heartbreak afflicts anyone. Proper coaching can help with everything and anything, from ice breaking lines to networking, from wardrobe to help with arousal.

Aside from love, wealth is perhaps the other big trouble area in life, and some people had better get their financial house in order before doing anything else. One should not confuse a coach with a tax accountant or professional financial consultant. The former is best at addressing broad based issues of wealth repulsion and attraction, attitudes toward work, and the like. Best leave the real number crunching to the accountants.

Some people need broad emotional counseling, and their enrichment sessions might closely resemble psychotherapy. Many coaches are degreed psychotherapists, and find that background useful. People with such training will be able to recognize the difference between deepset grief and deepset rage, giving them a leg up at diagnosing weaknesses.

Psychological counseling is typically directed at people who are suffering. Coaching, by contrast, is generally for those who at least do not self-diagnose as troubled, but who want more. It can be the best choice for millions.

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