If You Want A Weight Loss Clinic Indianapolis Is The City To Try

By Faith Lynch

Americans, statistically, are getting fatter. One third of the population is classified as obese according to the experts. Airlines might make you buy a second seat and your health care might cost you more. However worse than that are the risks you are running of getting seriously ill and even dying before your time. Being grossly overweight is as dangerous as smoking. So it is time to take action and look for a good weight loss clinic Indianapolis has a wide selection to choose from.

Of course some people are just naturally fatter than others. It must be part of their genetic code. But that does not mean that you can just shrug your shoulders and not worry about it simply because your parents were fat. It does not give you an excuse to live on burgers and the couch.

Generally speaking a change in lifestyle will help all but the most chronically obese. Leaving the car at home and walking short distances, doing some work in the garden or going for a swim regularly will help. So will less burgers, less pizzas and less sodas. Fad diets will only make your purse get thinner.

There are several procedures. Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass are two options and there is also lap band surgery. Your bariatric surgeon will advise you about which procedure is best for you after going through your medical history and checking up on your general health. The success rate is high and post surgery stays in hospital are short.

You should check your insurance carefully to make sure that this type of operation is covered and if so exactly how to qualify. You may have to satisfy them that you have seriously tried other weight loss programs without success. Also you may need a doctor's evidence that your continued obesity is a serious health risk.

If surgery is too radical an option for you or if you are not so seriously overweight, but just a little on the chubby side then you can follow one of the many medically supervised plans to shed your extra pounds. Most are nutrition based as starving yourself is not the way to get thin and more importantly stay that way.

Surgery is not the answer for everyone. However shedding those extra pounds is really important. Going from one diet to another, one exercise video to another work-out is not going to do the trick. Find a doctor you feel you can trust and get yourself a good health checkup. Then discuss what options you have. You need a custom made nutrition and exercise regime that you can stick to for the rest of your life, if necessary, so it must be relatively enjoyable and pain free else you will give up.

So if you have found a friendly weight loss clinic Indianapolis might just become your new home. A break from the old routines might be just what you need to kick start your new regime. Get a dog, go for walks, have fun.

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