Do You Know Which Superfoods Your Immune System Can Use to Keep Your Body Healthy?

By Clyde Heintz

Keeping your immune system strong is an important part of staying healthy. You've read a lot about how important your immune system is to your health. For this reason, you do your best to protect your body from germs. You make it a point to wash your hands often. You keep hand sanitizers handy to use when it isn't convenient to wash up with soap and water. When someone is ill, you keep your distance, and you are no stranger to the many supplements on the market. What would you do if the secret to having a healthy immune system was to just eat certain immune-system boosting superfoods? Which foods are considered superfoods? We'll discuss three great superfoods that you can start eating right now to boost your immune system.

While most people don't think of meat products necessarily as superfoods, pork chops are, indeed, a superfood for your immune system. Now, don't scoff. This is true. However, most non-meat eaters won't find this very useful. There are times when you are losing weight and it's bad for your health. Eating 6-ounces of pork chops during this critical time can stop the weight loss. People, when they get sick, naturally drop pounds, but eating pork chops can help you prevent that. I imagine a lot of you don't believe that it's a good idea to eat pork chops daily. On the plus side, they are loaded with selenium which is a natural antioxidant and helps your body fight against cancer. You don't have to be worried about being bored with pork chops, because there are many different ways to cook and serve them.

Peppermint is a great immune system boosting superfood. Did you know that peppermint contains these important nutrients: magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium? These are three very important nutrients necessary for keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Peppermint is so versatile. There are numerous ways to eat it during the day. Try mint tea. You will find it very relaxing and tasty. Buy those little boxes of snack mints and munch on them. You'll love the flavor perk you'll get when you chop up some fresh peppermint leaves and toss them in your salad. It can even be used to season different meats. It is a really versatile herb. If you like the cool taste of peppermint, buy a bottle of peppermint essential oil and use it whenever you get the urge.

Vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and it breaks down when it gets warm. Therefore, enjoy raw kale in your salad or on a vegetable platter. Since Vitamin C is so important for keeping your immune system strength up, include raw kale in your eating plan weekly.

There are many benefits to be had from eating the superfood salmon, but one of the most important advantages is its ability to strengthen your immune system. Your body must have protein and omega-3 fatty acids in order to retain its health, and salmon is one superfood that supplies both of these in abundance. Protein keeps your muscles strong and better able to fight against disease. Omega-6s bring germs and bacteria to our bodies that cause illness. Omega-3s protect us from them. A good goal to shoot for is to consume salmon twice each week. The recommendation, however, is three fish meals weekly, but sometimes this is hard to do if you're not a big fan of salmon.

The number of superfoods being discovered and talked about grows each day. There are superfoods to help aid just about any health condition, including strengthening your immune system. For the most part, these are foods that are easy enough to cook into the other foods you eat at meals. In this report, we've made you aware of three great superfoods. Nevertheless, this is just the start of foods you can discover to make your immune system stronger. Continue with your research on superfoods and you will find that there are many that can help you maintain your health.

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